The article should be devoted to one of the main research topics (a certain aspect) of the MIWI Institute. For more information, please click here.
The text should have an analytical summary containing all the main conclusions, recommendations, and results of the analysis.
The material should have a clear structure, which should reflect 1) the current state, 2) (if applicable) the main problems/issues, 3) (if applicable) the research experiment (e.g. a gravity model or cost-benefit analysis) including its methodology, data sources, and results, 4) policy recommendations or a forecast for the future development.
The proposed recommendations should guide the work of relevant state, private, and non-profit structures.
Format and style
At the beginning of the article the author’s full name, academic degrees, titles, position, organization, and city of writing the material need to be indicated.
Please send the material in RTF or doc format.
The style of the text should be scientific or popular scientific.
The volume of the text depends on its quality and content.
The main semantic blocks need to be separated by subtitles.
Quotations are given only to confirm the author’s arguments. Valuation judgments must be based on factual information/empirical data. For statistics and citations, the author must provide links to authoritative sources, preferably Internet sources. The source must be indicated in the footnote according to the APA citation format.
For example: “most empirical studies agree that increased R&D spending has a positive and significant effect on a country’s economic growth rate. An increase of one percentage point in R&D expenditure in the economy seems to result in an average increase in GDP growth between 0.1 and 0.4 percent. [1]”
[1] Sokolov-Mladenović S. et al. (2016). R&D expenditure and economic growth: EU28 evidence for the period 2002–2012. The University of Nis. URL: “
When indicating the time period, the calendar date needs to be written. For example: not “yesterday”, “last month/year”, but “25 October 2011” or “in April 2010”.
Rights and obligations of the editorial board
The editorial board of the MIWI Institute will evaluate the material in accordance with the following criteria:
- Scientific approach. The material should correspond to the stated topic, be based on empirical evidence using a scientific method and observing the rules of academic citation.
- Analytical presentation of information. The facts need to reinforce the analytical conclusions.
- The proportion of previously unpublished text should be at least 80 percent;
- The latest sources of information and statistics should be used.
- Practical relevance. The material should contain reasonable criticisms, specific policy recommendations, and practical measures for their implementation.
The editors reserve the right to edit the text.
The editors reserve the right to refuse the article due to non-compliance with the listed requirements.
Acceptance of the article for publication does not mean that the MIWI Institute adheres to the author’s point of view.
The editorial board has to inform the submitting party of its decision to publish or to refuse to publish the submission within a reasonable period (usually within 7 calendar days).
The publication service includes:
- Publication on the MIWI Institute homepage.
- Publication on the Institute’s social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, and Instagram.
- If the submitted article is of excellent quality and makes a particularly important contribution to the economic policy debate, the MIWI Institute will disseminate it through its extensive mailing list. The newsletter includes contacts of and is read by renown experts and influential policymakers from such institutions, as, e.g.: the World Bank Group, the IMF, the European Commission, the Eurasian Economic Commission, national governments and ministries, leading development banks, and research institutions from all around the world. The submitting party will receive written feedback on the results of the newsletter dispersal.