On 8 December 2021 the Russian news agency Sputnik discussed with MIWI economist Yuri Kofner what political line Germany will pursue in Europe under the new chancellor Olaf Scholz.
“According to the expert, the decisive factor in the future economic policy of Germany is not that Scholz, as a representative of the Social Democrats, became Federal Chancellor, but that he became Chancellor in the coalition government together the Greens and Free Democrats.
On the one hand, we can say that Scholz continues a certain line that Merkel began, because the Social Democrats were in the past government, and now they form the main backbone of the future cabinet. But it is the “greens” and free democrats who will introduce new elements. Overall, one can expect the new government’s climate policy and industrial dirigisme to slow down Germany’s long-term economic growth even further.”
Source: Sputnik News Agency