_ Gabriel Felbermayr, President, Kiel Institute for the World Economy; Aleksandra Kirilakha; PhD candidate, LeBow College of Business, Drexel University; Constantinos Syropoulos, Trustee Professor of International Economics, LeBow College of Business, Drexel University; Erdal Yalcin, Professor of International Economics,HTWG-Konstanz – University of Applied Sciences; Yoto Yotov, Professor, LeBow College of Business, Drexel University. 4 August 2020.
Economic sanctions have become increasingly popular. With increasing geopolitical rivalries, this trend will probably continue. However, there is substantial uncertainty about whether and how sanctions affect economic outcomes as well as whether they bring about the intended political changes. To facilitate econometric work on the effects of sanctions, we have created the Global Sanctions Data Base. By covering all countries and the period of 1950 to 2016, it is the largest database focusing on sanctions in force (i.e. threats are excluded). It distinguishes different types of sanctions, reports the directionality of sanctions and their coverage. The GSDB also documents the extent to which sanctions have been successful and distinguishes between nine outcomes. As such, it is a rich database with a dyadic structure allowing empirical evaluation studies based on structural gravity models.
Source: https://voxeu.org/