_ Stephen Broadberry, professor of economic Hhstory, University Of Oxford; Jason Lennard, assistant professor, London School Of Economics And Political Science. Vox / CEPR. 10 November 2023.*
Read moreCategory: Public finances and economic growth
How the Meloni government wants to change the fiscal revenue
_ Jacopo Ugolini, advisor, FdI parliamentary group, researcher, Nazione Futura. Machiavelli Center, 18 March 2023.*
Read moreEconomic costs for Germany of the Ukraine war
_ Yuri Kofner, Economist, MIWI Institute. First published in the “Freilich” journal. Munich – Graz, September 30, 2023.
Read moreHow the Target claims save the German banks
_ Dr. Hendrik Hagedorn. Berlin, 22. September 2023.
Read moreThe Marshall Plan myth: How the Americans hamstrung the European economy
_ Dr. Hendrik Hagedorn. Berlin, 27. August 2023. *
Read moreTesting Marx
_ Charlotte Bartels, post-doctoral researcher, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW); Felix Kersting, postdoctoral researcher in Economics, Humboldt University Of Berlin; Nikolaus Wolf, professor and director, Institute of Economic History, […]
Read moreEconomic freedom from 1850 to 2020
_ Leandro Prados de la Escosura, emeritus professor, Universidad Carlos III De Madrid; research associate, CAGE University Of Warwick. VoxEU – CEPR. 7 July 2023.*
Read moreInflation in the Czech Republic is far from over
_ Dr. Vaclav Klaus, economist, Prime Minister from 1993 to 1998 and President of the Czech Republic from 2003 to 2013, CEO, Vaclav Klaus Institute. Prague, 4 April 2023.
Read moreBack to the Future: Foundations of a New Right-Liberal Economic Policy for Germany in the 21st Century
_ Yuri C. Kofner, economist, MIWI Institute. Recherche Dresden, May 2023.*
Read moreGlobal monetary and financial spillovers: Evidence from a new measure of Bundesbank policy shocks
_ James Cloyne. visiting scholar, Federal Reserve Bank Of San Francisco; Patrick Hürtgen, research economist, Deutsche Bundesbank; Alan M. Taylor, chair in international economics, University of California. CEPR-VoxEU, 6 May […]
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